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Alpha Delta Pi at Florida State University installs vulcan descaler

blog heading iconAnimal farmer uses mineral descaler to support livestock

After 14 days: Lactating cow milk production also improved, our piglets had higher body weights (before: 7 kg / now: 8 kg). Furthermore, we observed that scale and biofilms in old pipes for liquid feeding dissolved, leading to an improved feeding behavior of the fattened pigs.

Model: Vulcan S25
Installation Area: main water pipe

I noticed that the drinking behavior of the animals improved promptly. I can give you more details after a longer observation period...

2-3 days after the installation:
It was remarkable that the lactating cows were permanently drinking from the drinking trough.

14 days after the installation:
Lactating cow milk production also improved, our piglets had higher body weights (before: 7 kg / now: 8 kg). Furthermore, we observed that scale and biofilms in old pipes for liquid feeding dissolved, leading to an improved feeding behavior of the fattened pigs.

Moreover, we used to have trouble with flank abscesses due to biofilms that were probably caused by bacteria discarding endotoxin. The biofilm on the high-alloyed steel drinking trough has also dissolved. This progressively improved with the use of the mineral descaler.
Before the Vulcan descaler, pipes has to be flushed out every 4 weeks with air and water to make sure the cows could get enough water through the pipes. We have now observed that this is no longer happening.

4 weeks after the installation:
Cows are producing about 0.5 L more milk per day.  

Negative Observations:  
In February the flowing year, I occasionally started adding acids in the tubes (it is common practice to use acidy products in farms holding pigs and turkeys) and started noticing that the positive effect of the mineral descaler water treatment mostly vanished.
Furthermore, new biolfilms built up in the pipes, which I could make visible by flushing the pipes. The animals began to show more flank abscesses and ear necrosis again. This improved again after the flushing in the beginning of June. Then, on 19 July, I installed the stronger electronic system. Since then, I have the feeling that the livestock has stabilized and has become more vital.

Al Imam University Vulcan mineral descaler
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